주요논문 의료정보 주요논문 책자 주요논문 교육동영상 책자 주요논문 교육동영상 제목 작성일 Search Relationship between Eating and Digestive Symptoms and Respiratory Function in Advanced Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients 2021-01-01 Management of Trachea Dilatation Patients Induced by Prolonged Overinflated Tracheostomy Tube Cuff Using a Portable Ventilator 2021-01-01 Precise Pulmonary Function Evaluationand Management of a Patient with Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome Associated withRecurrent Pneumonia and Chronic Respiratory Insufficiency 2021-01-01 Safety of Gastrostomy Tube Placement in Advanced ALS Patients with Non-invasive Ventilation 2021-01-01 Environmental Enrichment Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Alters Detoxifying Enzymes in an A53T α-Synuclein Transgenic Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease 2021-01-01 Corrigendum: Cardiac function associated with home ventilator care in Duchenne muscular dystrophy 2020-01-01 Clinical implication of maximal voluntary ventilation in myotonic muscular dystrophy 2019-08-01 Remarkable Improvement in a Very Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder Patient after Use of Non-Invasive Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilator: A Case Report 2019-08-01 1 2 3 4 5 »